Acupuncture's Scientific Claim
Acupuncture is the fastest pain reliever and has been used over the past century all across the planet. There has never been a scientific claim that validify the wonders acupuncture does to your body system up till recent years. Based on Dr. Morry Stilberstein acupuncture disrupts or stops the branching point of nerves called C fibers through inserting the needles. C fibers transmit low-grade sensory information over very long distances in which may stop discomfort of sore muscles or migraines.
"This is one of the fastest pain attenuators in existence," said Dr. Niemtzow, who is the Consultant for complementary and alternative medicine for the Surgeon General of the Air Force, and is affiliated with Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda. "The pain can be gone in five minutes."
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